
We provide church software solutions

We provide church software solutions for managing churches. From data management and web design to Church management software. Give us a call today to se how we can help make your church great too!

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Software Solutions

Composed of a rich pool of well educated, well trained, and highly experienced Software Engineers and project managers, ChurchYourWay/SoftwareYourWay develops software on a work for hire basis. While you focus on your core business, we ensure that you can deliver top quality products and services. In the past two (2) decades, large and small organizations have recognized the benefits that ChurchYourWay/SoftwareYourWay’s services provide: Fast, high-quality product release to the local and international market with significant budget savings. Located in the heart of South East Florida and reaching clients worldwide, ChurchYourWay/SoftwareYourWay offers Best in Class Software Engineering for many industries. Among these are Manufacturing, Health Care, Education, Accounting, and the Service Industry, to name a few. We utilize Microsoft, Sun, Oracle, Open Source, and all leading technologies to produce world class software.


"Church Your Way has helped us tremendously"
Julia J
"We did not realize we had so many needs. Out church IT systems were redesigned and now helping to grow our mission."
Tony H
"Highly recomended!."
John G
IT Manager